
Event Date: Friday, July 30, 2021 20:30(Taipei)/ 21:30(KST)

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時間 區分 內容


Opening 蘇在沅作家采訪影片



蘇在沅*韓良憶對談 上半場

- 作家: 蘇在沅
歇時間 影片 作家寫作空間

蘇在沅*韓良憶對談 下半場

- 蘇在沅和失控遂道
讀會 作家親聲


Closing 電影《失控遂道》豫告篇 

About So Jae-Won

生於1984年,雖身具小說家、劇作家、編劇、製片公司代表、Youtuber等多重職業與身份,但他總是說自己的本質是一名小說家,尤為珍視「為弱者發聲的作家」之聲譽。蘇在沅的父親是三級身障人士,母親在他小時候就離開了他們。青少年時期,他決心成為一名著名小說家後去找媽媽復仇,告訴她「沒有妳,我也過得很好」。 蘇在沅 在準備第一本小說時,不幸被評定患有視覺障,因此沈迷於酒精,還曾企圖自殺30多次。經歷了風風雨雨之後,作家期盼這個世界能變得更加溫馨,主要創作觸及社會問題和弱者的作品——2008年,以小說《我曾是皮條客》(나는 텐프로였다)初登板,而後連續創作紀實小說《爸爸》(아비)、長篇小說《失控隧道》(터널)、《為愛重生:找尋希望的翅膀》( 소원)、《菌》()、《故事》(이야기)等20多本作品。《我曾是皮條客》改編成電影《野獸男孩》(비스티 보이즈),《失控隧道》和《為愛重生:找尋希望的翅膀》也改編成同名電影。其中,《失控隧道》的觀影人數達712萬人次,《為愛重生:找尋希望的翅膀》也有271萬人次觀看。

About Tunnel




Tunnel (2016) / Movie

35 DAYS, A MAN’S DESPERATE STRUGGLE TO SURVIVE Jung-soo, an ordinary car dealer, is on his way home with a birthday cake for his daughter. As he drives into a tunnel, an unbelievable thing happens; the tunnel collapses on him. Minutes later, he realizes that he is completely caught in between the debris. Outside, this breaking news creates media frenzy and a thoughtless reporter even airs a live phone interview with Jung-soo, using up his mobile phone batteries. An emergency response team is immediately organized to rescue him and as it becomes a national concern, the government promises full support for the rescue. While Jung-soo struggles to survive, a series of ridiculous blunders delays the rescue operation and threatens his chances to make it out alive. Soon, he runs out of food, water, and phone batteries, making him totally incommunicado. Days pass without any progress and people start to lose hope or interest in rescuing him. Having already passed the longest survival record for a disaster, hard decisions are forced on his family while no one knows whether Jung-soo is dead or alive. <KoreanFilmBiz KoBiz>