Hubble is the science fiction imprint of EAST-ASIA Publishing, a publisher specializing in science and humanities. It was launched in 2016 alongside the inaugural Korea Science Fiction Award. We’ve had great success with Kim Cho-yeop’s If We Can’t Go at the Speed of Light (2019), Cheon Seon-ran’s A Thousand Blues (2020), and SFnal 2021 (2021). We aim to reach out to more readers with a focus on The Korea Science Fiction Award and SFnal for domestic and global markets respectively.

Our recent achievements include the sale of Kim Cho-yeop’s If We Can’t Go at the Speed of Light to Hayakawa Publishing, the largest science fiction publisher in Japan. In putting together SFnal 2021, we communicated with many international sci-fi writers and editors, and recognized a huge market abroad for Korea’s science fiction. We look forward to introducing such bright new stars of Korea’s science fiction as Kim Cho-yeop and Cheon Seon-ran to readers worldwide.